3 November @ 3:24 pm
(don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got till it's gone)

i really like hanging out with ty.
i see him more than i see anyone else.

yeh, we smoke a lot of pot. and we trip way too often. but he's good company. we talk music. which i absolutely love. we talk books. which i also love. (i swear to god, no one here reads) we talk sex & drugs and we dissect social norms.

and he tells me about rural west virginia. and i just sit there in complete shock. i grew up in a severely overpopulated area. my house is attached to the house next door. his nearest neighbor is 5 miles away. he describes night as a darkness that i've never experienced before. it sounds beautiful. but i couldn't ever live like that...

maybe i've isolated myself. i only see my friends on the weekends, at parties. they're always hammered. so i guess for now all i have is ty (& andrew). and that's okay. they're both good company.

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